Arm Pain

Arm pain might be one sided, or impact both arms simultaneously. It may be constant or periodic with varying power that depends on individual stamina and level of injury. Pain is a subjective experience and encompasses a number of different types of pain that may be described as:

  • a dull twinge
  • throbbing or pulsating pain
  • shooting pain
  • burning pain
  • pinching pain
  • poking or stabbing pain

The arm (upper limb) is made up of a number of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, along with their several nerve supplies, and all are susceptible to damage and damage that are able to lead to pain. However at times, pain in the arm might be produced by a damage at a distant point and this is known as referred pain. The upper limb is mainly made up of muscle and bone and muscle pain is a typical type of arm pain that often happens after strain or physical effort. Joint pain may alter the shoulder (e.g. frozen shoulder), elbow (e.g. tennis elbow), wrist (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome) or the small joints of the fingers (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis). There is yet another type of pain which seems to come from a body part that has been eliminated, such as an amputated hand or leg, and this is called phantom pain. Neuropathic or nerve pain may be due to weakening of the nerve, as in a stroke, multiple sclerosis or from nerve compression (pinched nerve), nerve inflammation, or infection of the nerve (shingles), where pain can be severe. Psychogenic pain is the perception of pain with no clear cause, often a consequence of psychological aspects like anxiety.

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